Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tracking Problem

As you may have noticed, the map showed me still in Baltimore, even though I was wending my way down the Chesapeake.
The problem is that my iPad (which I had reverted to after I wasn't able to get the Delorme device to talk with Spotwalla) was connecting to the internet via the WiFi router on the boat. This was fine when I was in the slip, but useless once I was underway...
So now the iPad, and hence the tracking program, is  connecting to the internet via cell phone service (ATT). 
Of course the map connects its last know location (Baltimore) with the current location (Zahniser's Marina in Solomon's Island, Maryland) with a straight line, which is not exactly how I travelled, but close enough

We are going to stay here till thursday morning to let a storm (lots of wind from the south, which is still the way we have to travel) pass by, when the winds should calm and swing to the west

I've got plenty of time to tend to small matters, like fixing the Delorme device

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