Saturday, October 31, 2015


October 30, 31

After an make that very pleasant...Thursday night at anchor we raised anchor at 8:15. That time was chosen to enable us to pass the reported shallow areas on a rising tide (so that if we did go aground, the rising tide would soon lift us off) and to get to the Ben Sawyer swing bridge near high tide. 
it worked perfectly!
We had plenty of water under the keel the entire way.
We arrived at the Ben Sawyer Swing Bridge at high tide, requested an opening, and the nice lady bridge tender quickly opened the bridge for us
Arriving at the Ben Sawyer Swing Bridge, in company with several other boats

It swings open on request (earning us the ill wishes of many drivers forced to wait as we meandered through)

That was the last hurdle before Charleston and within minutes we were in the Charleston Harbor, heading for the Charleston Maritime Marina
Charleston, a city without any building taller than 26 stories so its not an imposing skyline

We tied up without event and began a few days of touring and dining.
The marina...Priority is tied up on the right

Looking east, from whence we came in the morning.

Molli and I first went to the UPS office nearby to send some of her stuff home so there would be less for her to carry through the airport. 
Then we wandered through the Market, filled with lots of shops selling crafts and clothings and objets d'art...we resisted temptation and didn't buy anything....excepting lunch

That eveening we went with Hayden and Radeen to the Oak Steakhouse and had a wonderful meal of steak and some wine to celebrate a wonderful voyage. 

On Saturday, after changing the oil and oil filter (this time without mishap) we toured Charleston by horse drawn carriage

Our Driver/Guide on the carriage

We wandered through the historic district. Charleston has a long history, stretching back to the early 1700's and its inhabitants seemed to have figured out how to make lots of money and spend it on beautiful houses...wonderful to see

We left Baltimore on October 11 and arrived in Charleston 19 days later. We had a few long days, a fe cold days, a few windy, bumpy nights...but all in all it was a great trip

I'm glad Molli was able to make it, and I think she's glad too.

On Monday Molli flies back to Baltimore, On monday afternoon Robert Brown comes aboard and on Tuesday we head out to the ocean, aiming for Miami. 


  1. This has been a great trip and we have really enjoyed sharing the beautiful voyage and time together. Great job on capturing each day. Thank you.

  2. This has been a great trip and we have really enjoyed sharing the beautiful voyage and time together. Great job on capturing each day. Thank you.
